Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Strawberry Picking

It's strawberry season!

Sammy, Lily, my friend Laura and I headed north to Wisconsin to pick strawberries. It was a great day for picking berries in a hot, shadeless strawberry patch.

Here's a good one.

Wow! You can eat these things and boy, are they tasty!

(Of course, Lily didn't know how to pick off the green leaves, so I had to remove several of those from her mouth later that day!)

Hmmmm, if she helps me, I can eat them even faster!

Let me find a good spot.

At some point, Sam got tired of picking berries and picked up my camera. I just let him snap away while we filled our baskets. Surprisingly, he took some excellent photos:

He even took a self-portrait:

I love the strawberry juice dripping down his chin and cheeks!

1 comment:

Frank, Laura, Vince and Stella said...

So fun! Sam did take some great pictures and I love the self portrait. Lily's dress was perfect for that day. So cute!